Tips before you buy PASMO


There are a few points to be careful. You can buy PASMO by ticketing machine located near the entrance of the stations.

I recommend to choose General use PASMO (not Persona user PASMO) since it is easier to

1)get refund of the deposit
2)get rest of money you had charged before you go back to your country.

You do not need to write the document or anything, but just get refund at the station. But, they have a paper to fill in to get a refund with Personal user PASMO…

The thing is, if you loose your PASMO, no one can have refund your deposit if it is General use PASMO. Try to charge minimum amount little by little to avoid any troubles.

The trains fee are cheaper like half amount for children. You need to apply the another document to buy PASMO for children.

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