Tokyo Summer Foods


While wearing a ゆかた (yukata) Japanese summer kimono and gazing wistfully and 江戸風りん (Edo fuurin) traditional wind chimes can keep you cool in the short term, you may be looking for some refreshments. From the sweet, to the savory to the little bit strange, Awesome Tokyo has got the goods on the city’s summer eats.

冷やし中華 (Hiyashi Chuka) “Cold Ramen”

This is a popular dish that is perfect for those hot summer days. As the name suggests, it is “Cold Ramen”. However, it is not served in a soup like traditional ramen. It is served on a large plate, often topped with thin slices of cucumber, ham, egg and tomatoes. (Some other, fancier varieties use additional ingredients but these are the standard). It is served in a sweet and tangy sauce. Make sure to grab a plate and slurp up!

かき氷 (Kakigōri) “Japanese Shaved Ice”

From the cute, small varieties in plastic cups sold at Japanese summer festivals, to extravagant mountains of ice topped with every fruit you can imagine, no one does shaved ice like Japan. Nothing like the blue and red syrupy stuff you may remember from the Fourth of July. The ice is shaved to a consistency reminiscent of cotton candy and buyers can choose from a variety of flavors and toppings. You can often recognize if a store sells kakigori by a red and blue flag outside of the shop with this kanji character: 氷.

素麺 (Sōmen) “Japanese Cold Noodles”

This is another type of noodle dish that is more similar to soba than ramen. The noodles are much thinner and are dipped in つゆ (tsuyu), which is だし (dashi) Japanese broth mixed with scallions and ginger. These noodles offer a more delicate taste than Hiyashi Chuka and a great way to experience the subtle flavors of Japanese cuisine. Find these at any typical soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles) restaurant.

心太 (Tokoroten) “Japanese Jelly Noodles”

If you are looking for some lighter fare, tokoroten is a great way to enjoy delicious summer cuisine while trimming calories! These “noodles” are actually made from a type of seaweed, and can be enjoyed in a sweet or savory sauce. Just as noodle-y and flavorful as the other ones we mentioned, but much healthier!

冷奴 (Hiyayakko) “Cold Tofu”

Also on the lighter side of things is hiyayakko; Japanese cold tofu. As tofu usually takes the taste of whatever you put on it, this dish has a variety of different toppings to choose from. Popular favorites are scallions, fish flakes, mustard, soy sauce, grated ginger and more! This dish can sometimes be served as the “appetizer” at Japanese restaurants. It’s creamy and cool; a great addition to your summer menu.

Tokyo is heating up, but that doesn’t mean you have to! Trying new foods is a great way to learn about another country’s culinary traditions. Enjoy some of these delicious summer favorites and stay cool!

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