Find! Your Best Vegetarian Food in Tokyo


If you ask almost any person on the street in Tokyo, man, woman, child, pet, what their favorite food is, the likelihood you will get meat in some kind of variety is extremely high. Whether, steamed, grilled, broiled, fried, whatever way you slice it, Tokyoites love their meat. So what are our vegetarian and vegan visitors to do?

Here we will give you a comprehensive guide of how to eat vegetarian in the big city, some restaurant suggestions and a few insider tips about how to stay meatless in Tokyo!

Try Shōjin Ryōri (Traditional Buddhist Cuisine)

If you ever wondered what it would be like to live like a monk for a day, you don’t have to give up your vegetarian lifestyle to do so! Monks live on a traditional Buddhist diet known as Shōjin Ryōri, which literally translates as “devotion cuisine” in Japanese. 

However, Shōjin Ryōri is about much more than just going meatless. It is focused around the harmony and simplicity of each meal, incorporating 5 distinct colors and flavors. In addition, Buddhist monks feel that all beings (including animals) can gain enlightenment, which is why the consumption of meat and fish is forbidden. Try this cuisine at a traditional Japanese restaurant and feel the harmony created between each bite!

Try the Top 5 Vegetarian Restaurants in Tokyo!

Here is a list of delicious restaurants in Tokyo that have vegetarian options:

AIN SOPH.Journey

Located in the bustling area of Shinjuku, AIN SOPH.Journey concept is to serve aromatic, delicious vegetables with a variety of spices and herbs. This restaurant is also vegan-friendly!

AIN SOPH.journey 新宿三丁目_ビーガン・ベジタリアンレストラン

Tudore Tranquility

Also specializing in plant-based cuisine, Tudore Tranquility offers a stylish and chic environment for patrons to enjoy.

Tudore Tranquility

T’s Tantan

Do all of those big bowls of ramen look tantalizing to you? Finally get a taste of it for yourself with vegan and vegetarian-friendly options available! A truly rare find, as most broths are made with some kind of animal stock at usual ramen shops. Note – the restaurant is actually located inside Tokyo station, so make sure not to exit beforehand!

T'sレストラン – 太陽と大地の食卓

Kushi Garden

Many vegan or vegetarian restaurants can come with a hefty price tag. So, if you’re looking for a budget-friendly venture, stop by Kushi Garden. Their simple set menus are less than 1,000 yen!

クシガーデン(KUSHI GARDEN)マクロビオティックレストラン

Tips for Vegans and Vegetarians

Download HappyCow

HappyCow is a godsend for vegans (and vegetarians) everywhere. It’s an Android app that let’s you locate vegan food in your area. The animal-friendly version of “Food Spotter”, this app will make sure you don’t go hungry for lunch!

Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants in Tokyo, Japan

Pick Up a Copy of the Japan Vegan Restaurant Pocketguide

Available in English, this guide will help you navigate through the difficult array of mysterious ingredients you may come across on your trip to Tokyo. (Especially, if you’re having difficulty getting wifi!)

Learn Some Lingo

 As Japanese people may be unfamiliar with words like “vegetarian” or “vegan” learning a little Japanese for the purpose of getting your message across will go a long way. Try saying the sentence, “私は肉と魚を食べられません。
(watashi wa niku to sakana wo taberaremasen). This means, “I can’t eat meat or fish.” This makes your message clear and accommodations easier to make if you’re out with friends.

As you can see, even though Japan is a meat-loving country, there are still many resources to help you navigate your veggie way through Tokyo. Many people nowadays are promoting the healthy benefits of going meatless, so go out and explore!

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