Summer Events in Tokyo


It’s almost the end of June, which means that Tokyo’s summer is making itself known with climbing temperatures and sporadic bouts of torrential downpour. However, summer is a great time in Tokyo to participate in some unique cultural events. What are the must-attend events of the summer? Read more to find out!

Beer Gardens

Nothing is quite as refreshing on a warm summer evening than a nice glass of cold beer. Many metropolitan buildings including hotels and department stores transform their rooftops into idyllic dining spaces which provide all-you-can-drink beer for a set price. A unique one with a Japanese twist is the Matcha Beer Garden of the
Green Tea Restaurant 1899 in Ochanomizu. Have you ever tasted Matcha beer? You should give it a try! The gardens also usually have a variety of small plates that pair well with beer, but if you’re really hungry, it’s recommended to grab dinner somewhere first.


Tanabata Festivals

July 7 is Tanabata, a traditional celebration centered around an ancient legend.

According to the tale, a very hard-working woman named Orihime wove by the river banks of the Amanogawa (this is the Japanese term for “The Milky Way”) and felt dejected by the fact that due to how hard she worked, she would never be able to find a husband. Concerned for his daughter, the Sky King, Tentei, introduced her to a cow herder, Hikoboshi. It was love at first sight.

However, after marriage the two became immersed in each other and did not do any work. This angered Tentei, forbidding them to see each other ever again. Orihime pleaded to her father, and he, moved by her actions, agreed to let them meet on the 7th day of the 7th month of the year, (“tanabata” means evening of the seventh).

That’s why, on this day, many festivals are held in Tokyo and many other parts of Japan to celebrate the reuniting of these two, quite literally, “star-crossed” lovers. Many people partake in this event by writing down a wish on 短冊 (tanzaku) small pieces of paper and tying the wish to bamboo. There are also usually a variety of interesting games and food stalls where visitors can partake in traditional festival food.

Tokyo Bay Cruises

If you want to get the full Japanese experience while you’re in Tokyo, taking a Tokyo Bay Cruise is a great way to round out your trip.

One of the most popular of these are weekday cruises (Friday night probably being your best bet) where if you wear a Yukata, Japanese traditional summer clothes, you can get a big discount! These cruises usually last about an hour and serve all-you-can-drink beer. (Again, if you have a big appetite, it might be better to grab some street food before hand!)

東京湾納涼船2016 Tokyo Bay Cruise

Fireworks Festivals

In Japan, one of the things you may have noticed is the Japanese affinity for fleeting beauty. The cherry blossoms in the spring, the foliage in the autumn and the illumination in the winter are all examples of this. In the summer, this idea of fleeting beauty is represented through a variety of beautiful fireworks displays. In Tokyo, the Sumida River Fireworks Festival is one of the most famous. If you are American and are well-acquainted with 4th of July celebrations, imagine that but kicked up about ten notches. The fireworks come in unique shapes and colors in enormous and vibrant displays across the night sky.

 Tokyo has many great things to offer during all times of the year. No matter when you go, unique and exciting cultural activities await you! We hope this summer you take the opportunity to see all of what Tokyo has to offer!

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