In the largest metropolitan city in the world with one of the best public transportation systems, Tokyo is practically begging you to leave the hustle and bustle once in awhile and hop on a train to somewhere new. Where are the best summer day trips from the city center? Awesome Tokyo has the scoop.
Temperatures are really getting up there in Tokyo climbing to 33 degrees celsius during most of this week. What are the best ways to spend your free time and beat the heat? Awesome Tokyo has the answers!
The yukata, with its lightweight fabric and floral motifs is a symbol of summer in Japan. Could you imagine yourself wearing one of these on your way to a 花火 (hanabi) “fireworks” festival or while participating in the Japanese traditional 盆踊り(bon odori) “Bon dance”? Awesome Tokyo has the scoop on how to find your perfect summer yukata.
While wearing a ゆかた (yukata) Japanese summer kimono and gazing wistfully and 江戸風りん (Edo fuurin) traditional wind chimes can keep you cool in the short term, you may be looking for some refreshments. From the sweet, to the savory to the little bit strange, Awesome Tokyo has got the goods on the city’s summer eats.
Summer in Tokyo is more than just festivals and fireworks. Many places also have great summer markets where visitors can come during the day and eat local food, check out interesting merchandise, listen to live music and just walk around and enjoy the warm weather. What are the best summer markets in town? Read more and find out!
There are usually three times of year when many people in Japan either have vacation or can easily take time off work. These are: Golden Week, which takes place at the end of April beginning of May, New Year holidays, which are at the end of December beginning of January, and Obon, which can take place in July or August depending on the region. In Tokyo, Obon takes place in July.